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Ecological Solutions

With Living Roofs

5.0 Star Rating

Biodiversity Net Gain

Biodiversity Net Gain how our sedum roof bike sheds help architects and developers


The world’s species are disappearing at an alarming rate and rapid biodiversity loss, caused by human-induced climate change, pollution and habitat destruction, is damaging pollination and food production. Abundant plants and animals in the UK have declined by an average of 19% since the 1970s, according to the latest State of Nature report, and almost 1,500 native species are now threatened with extinction.

Lots of sedum flowers on a bike shed roof improving local biodiversity In response to this crisis, Biodiversity Net Gain (BNG) comes into effect today and is a mandatory requirement for new developments. This ground-breaking new planning legislation means major building projects in England are now legally required to deliver at least a 10% improvement in biodiversity compared to what existed before, through the creation and enhancement of diverse habitats. The benefits for the natural world are potentially huge, which is undeniably positive. But achieving the required number of ‘habitat credits’ can be a challenge for architects and developers. Early planning for BNG allows for it to be ‘designed in’, avoiding costly delays if a development falls short of the required threshold.

Where do we come in?

Green roofs covered with plants such as sedum, grasses or flowering herbs provide a useful habitat for flora and fauna. They can perform a significant role in the enhancement of biodiversity, particularly in urban locations. The inclusion of green roofs in a development will help achieve net gain on-site, reducing the need to seek potentially complicated and expensive off-site solutions.

Our sedum living roofs are a simple and cost-effective measure that can help a development to achieve its BNG requirements. Because they’re at eye level, they provide attractive and colourful evidence of BNG in action. And when you throw into the mix existing planning requirements that demand the inclusion of sustainable transport solutions, a bike shed with a green roof becomes a win-win-win! Nowhere is this more true than in London, where the London Development Plan stipulates a minimum number of cycle parking spaces for new buildings.


If you are an architect or developer and have any questions about our bike sheds, would like examples of previous commercial projects, or access to our CAD library; why not open a trade account?

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