ORDER NOW FOR SPRING Secure your bikes with ease in your own Brighton Bike Shed

Custom Storage Sheds

Built to Last

Precision Delivery & Installation

From Our Door to Your Garden

Ecological Solutions

With Living Roofs

5.0 Star Rating


Our Sheds have a series of specifications that come as standard, including for any bespoke units.


Pressure treated timber floor built with 50 x 50mm joists at 400mm centres that are clad in 12mm ply and glued and nailed. The floor is then raised above ground level on rubber feet, which can be adjusted during installation to level the floor.


Diagonally braced timber framed walls built with 50 x 50mm pressure treated timber studs that are doubled at the corners. The walls are clad depending on your choice of cladding, which we fix with either stainless or galvanised fixings.

Roofing options

Ply base with heavy duty felt, secured with felt nails. We reinforce the lower edge with a double layer of felt.

Ply base and 1.2mm EPDM rubber liner secured at edges. Roof edges are reinforced with triangular ‘arrises’ which retain the substrate layer. A filter fleece layer is laid over the EPDM liner which stops the substrate ‘soil’ being washed off the roof and contains roots. A retaining strip at the lower edge secures the substrate. Then 50mm of substrate is laid and raked flat and the sedum rolls laid out over the top of that. Once dressed the roof is well watered.


See our Cladding options for full details of all variations. We offer Scottish Larch, Pressure Treated Pine (slats or T&G) and Western Red Cedar (slats or T&G). These are fixed vertically. For all our Verticals, the back wall is clad in treated T&G.


Double doors on Classics and wider (4-6 bike units) Slot-ins or Verticals. Single doors on narrower (1-3 bike units), Slot-ins or Verticals.


Wheel Slots/Hooks

We supply as standard a ‘toast rack’ on a Slot-in model or wall hanging hooks on our Vertical models. These are in galvanised or powder coated steel.

Gutter and Down-pipe

These are fitted to all sheds and can be set up to drain to either the left or right, as well as directed to a flower bed or a rainwater drain etc. On Verticals the gutter and down-pipe are fitted at the front as we have designed the back wall to be taller to stagger the bike hooks (and save space laterally).

Structural Elements

We use a heavy-duty timber lintel above the doors and 75 x 50mm rafters fixed at 400mm centres. We add a solid webbed pillar either side of the doors to give our sheds exceptional strength. This means that once installed, the shed cannot be flexed in any direction, which is especially important with a green roof.

Ready to choose your shed?

Configure the ideal shed to store your bikes, logs, bins and more.

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